Monday, April 8, 2013

Few immediately loaded BEFORE & AFTER photos, stronger than thousand words...

Few immediately loaded BEFORE & AFTER photos, stronger than thousand words...
(photo report on few Mo2 Maneuver restored patients from the past two weeks)
As not enough but to be mentioned several times, consequentially any induced error in any moment and at any sequential step along the way of immediately loaded procedure in general and  (or) All-On-4®protocol in particular  will sustain exponentially growing error within that multidisciplinary patient procedure that will often be exposed first at the very end of the surgical &prosthetic protocol and for the most under dramatic circumstances resulting in hours of adjustment & “tweaking”!
To circumvent that altogether, Mo2 Maneuver method within its assembly kit is addressing three (3) main defining moments of any successful surgical & prosthetic immediately loading protocols:

-          Compliance with Bone Reduction Guide related to the planning model circumstances used to produce Mo2 Maneuver Interim Prosthesis

-        -   Compliance with implant as well as MU prosthetic abutment trajectory that should stay within the esthetically acceptable contours of the Mo2 Maneuver Interim Prosthesis

   Set occlusal platform that is a signature of  Mo2 Maneuver Interim Prosthesis disregarding any needed adjustments after the assembly process is completed!
Once these three (3) goal are accomplished and followed, almost guaranteed success of your immediate Loading/TIAD/All-On-4® is to be expected. 

See BEFORE & AFTER photos gathered from the recent weeks. Please obtain more support for YOUR endeavor at