Thursday, August 21, 2014

"Mending" & rejuvenating mind, body & soul of fully edentulous dental implant patients!

         Fabulous life transformation, Mo2 Maneuver immediate loading patient (with permission & consent of Leif E Löberg DDS, head of surgery & prosthetics)

(or,doctor, I don't want yet another denture in my mouth- not now when I invested a smaller BMW in my mouth"- said your patient.. ) said indeed a "denture", only this time one may call it “a denture on steroids” i.e. a screw-retained piece of denture-like plastics, still with a horrifying “flange” overhangs somewhat trimmed a bit, “slapped” onto the implants at the end of the road and AFTER ALL tedious, delicate work of CT-scan planning, possible extraction of terminal dentition, bone optimization, sometimes complex bone grafting, insertion of 5-8 implants, maybe even few zygomas followed with meticulous suturing with care ( sometimes even under the microscope!) to preserve that attached tissue or even some papillae … A denture but now a denture supported on highly delicate and costly fundament… a ‘denture on steroids”… 

Sounds absurd?!? 

Yes but we get a picture- don’t we!?! 

Still, it is implant dentistry most preserved mystery, absurd every-day contradiction, omitted dental implant myopia… 

We do not know why we as a whole implant community accept such a humiliating “grand finale” even if enormous pre-work has been vested by the entire team in the entire restorative protocol of fully edentulous as well as candidates with terminal dentition or “fully edentulous to_be”  patients although we can be absolutely sure that it is detrimental for the general well-being of both clinician intending to succeed with his/her implant practice, major manufacturer attempting to support its product offerings by providing “design for life” catchy tag lines but totally omitting botched outcomes or most important- the patients  itself and their overall satisfaction that should trigger major positive reinvigorating life-change in his/her life !

Huuh…a huge statement!...”trigger a major positive reinvigorating life-change event in his/her life”…

...Is it indeed possible that such a non life-threatening event, as we often call our dental implant work, can have such a life-defining impact on the patients joy that can take your breath away and allow clinician that is providing whole treatment to soak in the pleasure of being recognized with a role of a life-saver…practicing on a non life-threatening event… (lol) ?!?  

Yes indeed, it is possible- it is possible and then some!

       Amazing life transformation; Mo2 Maneuver immediate loading patient with permission & consent of Leif E Löberg DDS, head of surgery & prosthetics

 Slamming a piece of denture of a flange-like plastic into the mouth at the end of lengthy restorative roadmap where both the patient, clinician itself and his/her entire team vested so much time and financial means into it, is undoubtedly most contradicting and absurd anomaly in dentistry of today, and is a matter of clinical prosperity or just “getting by” in restoring fully edentulous implant cases!

Despite this never-ending discussion within the dental profession as a whole over the recognition of life-threatening versus less appreciative non-life-threatening service providing that we are dealt with, most dental implant clinicians and their teams who are restoring fully edentulous patients are mysteriously totally missing on given opportunity of ending their “restorative grand finale” in restoring fully edentulous or “fully edentulous to-be” patient with terminal dentition, both prone to secluded- if not depressive life habits that unbeknown to them in many case are induced by that very same dental condition, and provide them with more thoughtful correctly done flangeless screw-retained prosthesis bringing not only missing harmony that has been lost but by re-defining someone’s  life  bringing back dignity, self-confidence, joy in life, rejuvenation of the “bright-side of life”, happiness … i.e. “mending & repairing” soul, body and mind - not only  bringing new “teeth”… 

It has been witnessed that if done properly it HEIGHTEN dentist appreciation to the MYSTICAL PROPORTIONS…literally (lol) and well-deserved! 

Without disrespect to any due diligence in dentistry, there should be a distinct cognitive awareness on clinical difference in “mending oral well-being” by restoring some teeth in the oral cavity of the patient and   “mending edentulous screw-retained flangeless smile” by restoring dignity, mind, body & soul of the patient

Mo2 Maneuver immediate loading patient with permission & consent of Leif E Löberg DDS, head of surgery & prosthetics

Therefore it is a mind-boggling in self-accepting of erasing all that appreciation for high-end expertise surgical work of possibly grafting and placing implants followed by highly skilled delicate prosthetic work of restorative clinician done by the clinicians itself ?!?

Sounds self-mutilating but maybe it is simply a scenario where the clinicians contacts his/her local lab asking them by using calamitous wrongful terminology i.e. to make “a denture” for his fully edentulous implant case (not asking for a flangeless screw-retained prosthesis that is an EXTENSION of what is missing and in harmony with current ridge/bone situation instead of  “a denture”  slammed ONTO the ridge and implants alone)

Following, that leads to a local lab who answers “yes, of course doctor” followed with all natural instincts to protect potential profit opportunity, but unfortunately since Dr.X is asking for “a denture” and labs real closest experience in restoring edentulous implants was the last course at the Pelican Hills golf resort sponsored by the major implant manufacturer, the ultimate decision of the lab owner is to promote his denture person to “implant specialist”  thus proclaiming year-long implant restorative experience (the denture guy made his dentures for the last 25 years after all, didn’t he!?!) and conclusively giving him/her that very same fully edentulous case “on a weird looking metal pins that are sticking outside the gum” to be restored is maybe the reason….or simply it is our mutual ignorance…hah, we don’t know, do we!?! 

  "Simple" hybrid-type screw-retained prosthesis- still harmonious flangeless “extension” of what is lost between the existing bone conditions, face and muscle tonus characteristic- NOT a "denture"... 

What we know is that no matter of financial scope on ANY investment marketing activity invested in a life of prosperous implant clinic, the fact for omitting on whether the clinic is providing just another“ denture” (although a “denture on steroids” supported by the implants) OR providing holistically something else that is triggering  positive life-changing event of their fully edentulous patients IS  often make it or break it in this constantly ever-emerging segment of implant dentistry.
…and for the clinician itself…it is a very simple judgmental observation to validate and read into correctness of this philosophy: If the passion for new positive life of his/her patients become so prominent and starts with the new founded joy and life-passion, new dating, daring to kiss someone first time after 15 years, change a profile photo on the Facebook several times a week… then dear doctor! - your “non life-threatening” implant dentistry turns out to be most substantial life-defining moment of a human being… that was seeking dental health in your office but you gave them a joy to begin a new life …not so shabby (lol)… and no other “marketing activity” comes even close to this, or !?! 
          Sooo cool!          Mo2 Maneuver in full bloom...... repairing & "mending" soul, body and mind with the help of Dr.Leif E Löberg DDS, golden fingers


“…If the passion for new positive life of his/her fully edentulous implant patients become so prominent and starts with the new founded joy and life-passion, new dating, daring to kiss someone first time after 15 years, change a profile photo on the Facebook several times a week… 

then dear doctor! - your “non life-threatening” implant dentistry turns out to be most substantial life-defining moment for a human being…”

Conclusively, this opportunity to harvest enormous (and well-deserved) patient appreciation that suddenly gestalt a huge life-changing moment is unique when restoring fully edentulous in general and patient with terminal dentition or “fully edentulous to-be” in particular and this tremendous coefficient of patient satisfaction can rarely be obtained in conjunction with any other dental restorative betterment.
Fully edentulous restorative modality is not “a denture” but ultimately harmonious flangeless screw-retained “extension” of what is lost between the existing bone conditions, face and muscle tonus characteristics allowing for a new most appealing total makeover smile that consequently becomes fueling oxygen for beginning new positive chapter in life and not only ability to chew some steak!
It is a huge delight and honor to be behind the clinicians and contribute to some degree with these metamorphoses.
Wish you the same!  

                                 All Mo2 Maneuver immediate loading patients with permission & consent of Leif E Löberg DDS, head of surgery & prosthetics

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Doc, I do NOT want JUST A DENTURE(!)...indisputable harmony of "must have" in fully edentulous patients

…To bring equanimity to any existing uncertain doubtfulness, a fully edentulous implant restoration is indeed not just another “denture” to be delivered, but a major, life-changing “link” that is in exceptional harmony between a missing anatomic parts (i.e missing bone, tissue, functional dentition) as well as the new groundbreaking esthetic smile that is bringing a totally new self esteem makeover for that particular patient - disregarding sole focus on the material choice… 

read ..... more to follow on the subject >>>>>