Thursday, June 11, 2015

Instant Dramatic Change In Cranial Osseo-Muscular Facial Expression - Reconfirmed...ONLY 3 Days Post-Op this time

 Continuation On Compliance With The Previous Observation Re Instant Facial Cranial Appearance Change

Saturday's (6/6 2015) yet another Immediate Loading  fully edentulous procedure (simultaneous Upper & Lower surgery & prosthetics) on the patient with the terminal dentition

 "Before" and "After" photo JUST 3 DAYS POST-OP!



No comments needed but just emphasizing compliance with the observation noted in the previous post regarding  "dramatic change in cranial osseo-muscular facial shape" appearance and literally DAYS after!!

Dentistry should investigate further on this... besides the "teeth", one more soul rejuvenated by the clinician....

Surgery & Prosthetics: Leif Löberg DDS >>>>>>>>>>>powered by Mo2 Maneuver

Surgery & Prosthetics: Leif Löberg DDS >>>>>>>>>>>powered by Mo2 Maneuver 

Surgery & Prosthetics: Leif Löberg DDS >>>>>>>>>>>powered by Mo2 Maneuver 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

For Implant Dentistry To Discuss Further On This Dramatic Recurrence Pertaining Immediately Loaded Patients With Terminal Dentition

 For Further Discussion Of Implant Dentistry Re This Repeatable Occurrence…

NOTE the most dramatic change of cranial osseo-muscular facial shape only weeks, sometime DAYS, (!) after immediate surgery of the patients with Terminal Dentition ( vrs. already fully edentulous !) - which is ALWAYS the case if the pre-op smile is calculated correctly to assimilate with the re-modeling of the "overgrown"  aged jaw-bone; together with the Bone Reduction and adequate implant placement on patient with Terminal Dentition the outcome is sometimes astounding and on the border where even most sophisticated face-recognition system gets "confused" over the new mark points. Undoubtedly, worth further attention and further expertise inputs..

.... Yet another immediately loaded upper & lower smile restoration, powered by Mo2 Maneuver method; this time by Dr.Cifarelli Dana Point Dental

Something for Implant Dentistry to discuss further on this dramatic repeatable occurrence… 

NOTE  the most dramatic change of cranial-muscular facial shape only weeks, sometime DAYS, (!) after immediate surgery of the patients with Terminal Dentition  ( vrs. already fully edentulous !) - which is ALWAYS the case if the pre-op smile is calculated correctly to assimilate with the re-modeling of the "overgrown"  aged jaw-bone; together with the Bone Reduction and adequate implant placement on patient with Terminal Dentition the outcome is sometimes astounding and on the border where even most sophisticated face-recognition system gets "confused" over the new mark points. Undoubtedly, worth further attention and further expertise inputs...

... Yet another immediately loaded upper & lower smile restoration, powered by Mo2 Maneuver method; this time by Dr.Cifarelli Dana Point Dental