Thursday, September 13, 2018

The anniversary nobody knows about…

The anniversary nobody knew about…

by Mo2

…Most of us are lucky enough to have right mentors guiding us right through life ominous, most defining moments with the knowledge and wisdom from the curriculum that never exist nor has ever been studied at any of the world top colleges or else. If you are one of those few, especially if of a young age, then you should really feel as a chosen one… 


Prof.Brånemark,Kristina,Momo, at Gårda Labs,mid 90's Göteborg, Sweden

Others with no such luck are still fortunate enough if they ”stumble” upon at least few people that are often unbeknown to both of them, reshaping future of their entire life just by that little attention they “sprinkle” over that very person - the fact often revealed first after many years later and especially recognized when we prevail an adversity or just to start the new chapter in our life…


Some people call it “respect”- I am not sure but it is of outmost essence to remember and pay homage to these people, hence Professor Per Ingvar Brånemark, wherever your soul is:

Thank you for paying us a visit that very day to Gårda pioneering prototype CAD/CAM  Crown & Bridge / Implant Lab and taking to me, then a “young untapped one” with a humble background, as well as letting me sit down and wait in hours at the Carlanderska sjukhus hospital with all these KBF* titanium frameworks in my knees while you had your noon siesta… 😊

Furthermore, thank you Barbro for bringing me a cup of coffee from time to time while he was sleeping, but outmost, thank you Kristina, the most noble person, for accepting fighting the front-line battle together with me!


To a young person: 


Even if being not that young anymore your homage shall never be forgotten, no matter circumstances.You may never have to express that gratitude directly to the person you are paying homage to but it should always be there, deep inside yourself, to be remembered and to come out in all life-defining moments full of humility and as a sail that captures the right headwinds even if there is no slight breeze on the horizon. 


When you “grow-up” you will realize who these people really are, the people your academic curriculum did not include but who were pivotal in reshaping your life for the better, hence never forget to pay your silent homage to them… because many miracles could bloom out again.

I got “my Carlos” after all… so stay tuned!



Wednesday, February 22, 2017

“Involuntary Disenfranchisement “ Of Fully Edentulous Implant Patients (aka Same Day Teeth,All-On-4® et al)

“All People Have Right To Be Beautiful”- PART II

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Courtesy: Leif E Loberg DDS

…There are no manuals written down to Google it nor any podcasts on YouTube addressing how to judge such apprehensive overwhelming experience of yours after the outcome of so called “Immediate Loading of the patient with terminal dentition” that you just went through this morning, having all your decayed teeth been pulled out prior the surgeon inserting few implants as well as providing you with a NEW temporary total makeover smile just short before you sober up from wake-up, look and are just breathless...NOT recognizing your "old denture smile" anymore...feels as a VERY MOMENT after Joanne & Chip,that enchanting Fixer Upper couple on HGTV reveals their wall-curtain, to say at least!!... you shed a tear, can not believe ... or do you!? Many friends, acquaintances and other potential candidates after becoming immediate loading patients’ ask: “How should I feel minutes after undergoing that dramatic, costly procedure?!; "How do I know if it is "right", "just about" or even “under par” and whether it was worthwhile my anxiety, my scare, concerns and my financial commitments…

My dear, in 1920 Lippmann called us consumers, “bewildered heard” that should be left preoccupied in our life with “superficial” and “fashionable” consumption…

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

All people are beautiful - just call upon the right smile

i.e. “mending or bending” of the soul as a spin-off effect of Immediate Loading procedures

"How deceptive it can be to assume that just because the dentistry is not life-threatening it cannot be detrimental for “mending” or “bending” of the entire human soul and life of the person for years to come"

Trivia question:

Ø  Who makes more money from its professional qualification and brings family to better vacation - the person to the left or the person to the right?

Ø  Who will thrive with more happiness, fulfillment and the overall success in life- the person on the left or the person on the right?

Who knew that the insights of providing another “denture” are such a challenging attitude to alter?

  Dr.Leif Loberg DDS