Wednesday, February 22, 2017

“Involuntary Disenfranchisement “ Of Fully Edentulous Implant Patients (aka Same Day Teeth,All-On-4® et al)

“All People Have Right To Be Beautiful”- PART II

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Courtesy: Leif E Loberg DDS

…There are no manuals written down to Google it nor any podcasts on YouTube addressing how to judge such apprehensive overwhelming experience of yours after the outcome of so called “Immediate Loading of the patient with terminal dentition” that you just went through this morning, having all your decayed teeth been pulled out prior the surgeon inserting few implants as well as providing you with a NEW temporary total makeover smile just short before you sober up from wake-up, look and are just breathless...NOT recognizing your "old denture smile" anymore...feels as a VERY MOMENT after Joanne & Chip,that enchanting Fixer Upper couple on HGTV reveals their wall-curtain, to say at least!!... you shed a tear, can not believe ... or do you!? Many friends, acquaintances and other potential candidates after becoming immediate loading patients’ ask: “How should I feel minutes after undergoing that dramatic, costly procedure?!; "How do I know if it is "right", "just about" or even “under par” and whether it was worthwhile my anxiety, my scare, concerns and my financial commitments…

My dear, in 1920 Lippmann called us consumers, “bewildered heard” that should be left preoccupied in our life with “superficial” and “fashionable” consumption…
Your full commitment to undergo such apprehensive and financially mastodon commitment of immediate loading implant procedure (aka All-On-4®) deserves much more respect and it is neither “superficial” nor “fashionable” hence it is your right and privilege to know if your post-operative feelings and anxieties, that you may not want to share with your dentist, are right or wrong after receiving this complex service provided to you as a “consumer” seeking a life-changing service and less to you as a patient seeking remedy for any life-threatening illness.

Let me repeat so it will sounds clear for you from the beginning: It is not only about the teeth!- In this scenario you purchased a service by taking second loan on the house, touching your 401K or eroding your golden-age savings or a life insurance for that matter... Nevertheless you should feel and act as a superior,well educated consumer affording this life-changing service rather than inferior patient seeking remedy for a life-threatening feel the difference?!

More in respect to your full commitment and a genuine feelings on how devastating a deteriorating smile condition can have on dilapidated self-worthiness of a person rather than a disclosure of a vested person being involved for more than 28 years in designing many immediately loaded pre-operative smiles and final prosthesis for the dentists, it would be our faulty in depriving you of anything else but the very best you deserve. Therefore  I would wish to share with you some of the insights based on nonpartisan experience that may help you find yourself content and with piece of knowing "if you did and received right"  after going through such an overwhelming episode.

It would be resentful if the silence after your procedure would be misinterpreted by anything else but a consent of your full satisfaction.Any other reason of depriving that exhilarating feeling would not be in pair with the high sophistication of purchased service compared to simplicity of obtaining you a single "cap". Therefore you should not be surprised if your judgmental clarity of sincere satisfaction is blurred of the entire service received.Complexity and "ins and outs' of the entire procedure are prelude of a simple fact that it is always more difficult validating greatness of purchased service versus of validating the overall satisfaction of purchased specific hardware or a single product and nothing else.That is natural, and your post-anxiety should not let you be categorized and characterized,to use that minimizing political term, as “Involuntary disenfranchised” citizen consumer, in this case a patient, just because of lack of knowledge on "how to feel if it is done right", depriving or disenfranchised you from getting something that you are entitled to in revamping your life...We do not need Lippmann to elaborate on that

Let me repeat again please so these post-operative concerns are warranted for you :
It is very easy to validate purchased product and determine whether it is up to the standards expected for that hardware; on the other hand it is very difficult to embrace the entire scope and validate purchasing of a life-changing makeover service as well as functionality of a new hardware such as implants, teeth via prosthesis within it…it is need "data" what you may call it...

I also want to nudge your awareness in understanding that sometime there is NO intention by any participants in doing something illicit or providing poor service for you (us) but it is simply “we don’t know better” factor syndrome and you just happen to have dealings with such. 

 “Not knowing better” syndrome affects everything in our surroundings, it can be applied to bid and small in our life. It is like not knowing whether the Relativity Theory of the last 112 years is just a myopia of what the scientific hubris of today accepts as only viable OR it is just a part of the “whole story” yet to be discovered depriving us many great advancements hence making us ultimately “Involuntary Disenfranchised” .
In our small world of dental implants causation and effects of such syndrome can ultimately have effect on your outcome (illustrated and further explained below in this article).

There are no manuals written down to Google it nor any podcasts on YouTube addressing how to judge such experience of yours and the outcome of so called “Immediate Loading of the patient with terminal dentition” i.e. the patient where all your decayed teeth have been pulled out in the morning and prior to inserting the implants as well as providing you with a temporary but a NEW makeover smile just short before you wake up and sober up from anesthesia.  Furthermore, it is hard not to get lost into all technical lingo and complex expertise terms after listening to your dentists and their respective restorative teams who will treat you. 

However many friends, acquaintances and other potential candidates in becoming immediate loading patients’ ask: “How should I feel minutes after undergoing that dramatic, costly procedure?!; "How do I know if it is "right", "just about" or even “under par” and whether it was worthwhile my anxiety, my scare, concerns, financial commitments…

After all, there are many great dentist and dental labs around and if you are lucky your dentist and his team will provide you with such experience and service that will concur with the conclusions at the end of this article and most importantly you will feel great undergoing this procedure. If otherwise and to determine whether it is “Not knowing better” syndrome, ignorance or else, here are few mannerisms to understand further interactions between people bringing you new smile:

  • Ø  First, due to new clinical advancement hence new benefit potentials, the entire dental implants industry is inserting lots of efforts in “heightening the awareness” of most dentists that there is a novel scientifically approved procedure available to be explored ( e.g. All-In-4, Same Day Teeth etc), resulting that your own  and many other dentists who were dealing with your crowns and veneers on the daily basis,  will obtain necessary education through some courses provided by industry allowing them conclusively to start offering this complex treatment option to their community. What is of essence to note  is that suddenly there will not just them “restoring that single tooth of yours” but a team of experienced professionals to gather when attempting immediate loading procedure considering right surgical, restorative and laboratory team… 
  • Ø   Second, the laboratories who normally “makes crown, bridges, veneers and dentures (cost effective functional device you obtain when you have no teeth)” for your dentist, ALSO receives visit from dental implant industry to “heighten their awareness” telling them there is a “new game in town” thus “it is of imperative that they get on board” in order to protect their financial interests, increase profit etc. - which is nothing improper and all perfectly innocently natural in modern economy. 
  • Ø  Continuing, most dentists have one or two “favorite labs” that they work with and out of convenience or simply due to already established work relations, your dentist who normally restores your single “cap” with his/her lab, would normally call the same lab and ask them if they could make the implant “denture”(*)  for him in conjunction with your “Teeth In A Day” procedure that you are just about to undergo.
          As a Law of Preservation there is NO lab on the face of this earth that will tell to his own, or any other prescribing dentist: “no, we cannot make you requested implant denture”. Not maybe of not missing on that essential revenue but more out of sincere acknowledgment and believe that they indeed can make a “denture” your dentist is asking them for.                                                                                                                                                 After all most dental labs, no matter how advanced they may be, do have a century long expertise and departments for making traditional removable dentures. Therefore asking a lab for “a denture “while having 10 or 15+ years old slumbering traditional denture department half busy would mean being almost irresponsible if not presuming: “if it walks as chicken and talks as chicken …then it must be a chicken”, hence it ought to be the same.  But unfortunately it is NOT, to be short- it is VERY different and in very defining moment for the outcome of your appearance, it SETS THE TONE thus defines on what and how your “feelings” ARE after such apprehensive and financially mastodon commitment!    
                                                                                                                                                                 To deepen confusion even further, most dentists are unfortunately using the very same old removable “in a water glass” denture of yours, done ages ago and converting it into the implant supported immediate prosthesis for your financially mastodon commitment instead of allowing for a totally new smile design creation to be assembled as your immediate temporary prosthesis. That is where the “ignorance” part comes along since most of the clinicians find no error in doing so. All that in conjunction of recognizing the MOST DEFINING MOMENT of the entire protocol that should set the new tone for the final appearance where the new smile is about to be created based in accordance to the patients new bone, muscle, support and correct smile line condition providing true vale fundamentals for the future final prosthesis and your overall appearance! Working in accordance to “old converted denture” versus newly generated and calculated smile is like trying creating a masterpiece from a slate blank canvas versus trying to re-draw into a masterpiece from some old twisted warp crappy aquarelle providing false value already from the beginning…                                                                                                                                                          (* just further observe that term “denture” refers to a few hundred dollars removable device you had in your mouth to chow some food and preserve in a glass of water prior to going to sleep- something you don’t want as a “guiding rule” in this scenario when undergoing highly sophisticated transformation!).
  • Ø  The world “implant” prosthesis becomes something of secondary significance here, it is somehow “lost in translation” and not to be stressed about. Conclusively, “your own dentist” and his own “implant lab” get together with a surgeon and as a team they attempt to restore you by first picking out all of your decayed teeth (hence name immediate loading on “patient with terminal dentistry”), surgeon place the implants into the remaining bone and into the correct position and then send your case to the lab…
        As a result, existing denture technician that has 20+ years, very skilled in making “good dentures” (one that you pay few hundred dollars and keep in the water glass while sleeping) but NOT “implant prosthesis” that you ARE SUPPOSED TO GET, is moved by his/her boss from one room bench to the other, entitling the whole lab to attach the new tag line saying “implant lab with 20+ years of experience on fully edentulous patients”, and that is when the things can get astray for you especially if the restorative dentist is not keen on observing details.
  • Ø  If you ARE LUCKY, there is a implant master behind “the dental lab” that will send back implant prosthesis ( NOT a denture!) suitable to your new bone and muscles supportive conditions back to your dentist to be attached and delivered to you.
  • Ø   If you are NOT LUCKY, you will receive yet another “denture” but within the context of your costly implant procedure- and that is not gratifying to say the least BUT that traditional “denture” technician with some 20+ years of excellent experience and a mind-set of a traditional denturist will produce yet another “denture” since after all, he/she were requested “a denture” so “it has to be a chicken”…and no one here had any illicit intention either...
  Anxiety sometimes amplifies like salt corns of doubts and they perpetuate growing together with such an overwhelming turbulent experience at end  living us totally empty and existed but still not knowing what the right outcome should be. All you want is to confirm and validate that your efforts on taking second loan on the house, touching your 401K or eroding your golden-age savings were worthwhile so is there any bullet proof formula that could walk you through all these lingo “technicalities”, having to guess who did what and how well they did their part of the job…because nobody likes to be sorted in category of “Involuntary Disenfranchised”  and deprived what they ought to have

Therefore here is you own “barometer”. Forget all on “who did what” that you could learn from this article above and focus on how you feel spiritually! THAT IS THE ANSWER!
Remember, with this costly commitment of yours it is NOT only the teeth- it is if you spiritual feeling that counts! It has to uplift and give a surge to your new life!

However, here is the summary of few other prerogatives that should occur bringing you piece to your soul and to your mind if:
  • Ø   if you wake-up and you cannot believe on that you see looking on yourself in the mirror, seeing a totally new smile and not recognizing your old denture teeth
  • Ø  if you are happy beyond recognition with a totally new appearance,  making you shed a tear as the end of your own  “suffering” for so many years,
  • Ø  if your spirit and self-confidence has been lifted back as you were 25 years young again,
  • Ø  if your realization of self-worthiness is back as you always deserved and you are not hesitating to change your hairdo and your make-up to enjoy new life,
  • Ø  If your fresh glare and spark in your eyes are starting to attract people again and after so many years…..and you start living yet another beautiful lifespan!
  • Ø  If you feel just breathless and almost ready to fly after watching yourself on the bathroom mirror 
  • Ø  if you feel as a VERY MOMENT after that magically creative Fixer Upper couple Joanne and Chip on HGTV removes their curtains revealing in years neglected object turned into a beautiful majestic house 

  •     Having you NOT recognize your "old denture smile" but leaving you just breathless and letting new rejuvenating surge in your life just take over you and give you a boost that you never before could visualize or believe it was possible to feel again...
Heck, leaving you speechless! -that IS THE “RIGHT FEELING” YOU OUGHT TO HAVE!

...If all that checks, then everything explained above do NOT matter-IGNORE EVERYTHING ELSE- you did “right”! Enjoy your new life!

…To bring equanimity to any existing uncertain doubtfulness, a fully edentulous implant restoration is indeed not just yet another “denture” to be delivered, but a major, life-changing event achieved with discovering exceptional harmony between missing anatomic parts (i.e missing bone, tissue, functional dentition) and new implant prosthesis!    Moreover, it is not just bringing functionality to the body to simply chow the food but bringing awareness to all surrounding that totally new self-esteem and spiritual makeover is about to be created!... 
Anaheim Hills, California

Dedicated: To all “wrap-around” bar prosthesis sent here for repair

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