Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mo2 Maneuver, a groundbreaking novel method for stress-free restoration of immediately loaded All-On-4® patients

Mo2 Maneuver, a groundbreaking novel methodology for stress-free restoration of immediately loaded All-On-4 patients

 4h 37min All-On-4 entire procedure following Mo2 Maneuver

In a typical All-On-4® protocol both surgical and prosthetic restorative parts are explicitly described and  fairly recognizable.
Being an alternative to any grafting, maxillary sinus elevation or other bone-augumentation procedure,
All-On-4® surgical distinction is based on placing four (4) intraforaminal implants for supporting the entire edentulous jaw. Two anterior implants are placed vertically with a perfectly straight trajectory and with the implant access hole distally of the second lateral and the middle of the canine. Consecutively, two posterior implants are placed still before foramina, but tilted in order to maximize AP spread thus minimizing the cantilever length.
This surgically astute approach, introduced by Paolo Maló in 1993, is substantially decreasing the overall morbidity of the entire procedure thus probably being one of the main factors for such a popularity of the technique when restoring edentulous population. 

However scrutinizing present evolution of implant dentistry we can find out that due to further scientific and bio-mechanical improvements, the overall healing time requirements for the implants obtaining optimal osseointegration has been significantly decreased, as much so as to have implants placed into the fresh extraction socket and after achieving primary stability with the implants, consecutively proceeding with the immediate loading of the implants with prosthetics at the very same moment of surgery- a signature ellement of a standard All-On-4® protocol.

Nevertheless, although relying on four implants the entire All-On-4® rehabilitation process is highly demanding hence requiring highly synchronized multidisciplinary teams for obtaining persistent success in rehabilitating and restoring the patients in one single visit.
Therefore having to successfully fit multiple extractions of existing terminal dentition, substantial bone remodeling, restored vertical dimension, newly placed implants, totally rearranged occlusal plane, esthetically reestablished smile line with a new tooth set-up that will be converted into the interim prosthesis delivered at the end of the entire surgical and prosthetic procedure is nowadays often a privilege of large specialized
All-On-4® implant centrals rather than a outcome of a sole dental practitioner-  disregarding how much of expertize he/she possess.

 As it is today there are virtually no balanced blueprints to be followed nor a procedure scorecard based on checks and balances for a typical, temporarily assembled, All-On-4® restorative team consisting often of surgeon, restorative dentist, lab or similar...

Accordingly, there are no consequent and predictably successful outcomes for these procedures but more of a "action and reaction" strategy within the team i.e. it is unknown if and when someone of the restorative team participants induces an error into the chain of events during the entire protocol but rather all efforts are focused on reacting to fix the errors i.e. reduce dimension of  prosthesis due to inadequate bone remodeling, hide screw access hole due to the inadequate implant or abutment trajectory, adjust enormous amount of occlusion because the laboratory procedures have not anticipated right conditions etc.   ...

The outcome is often hours of lengthy and counterproductive adjustments in the sore patient mouth after whole day of hard work with surgical and reconstructive dentistry.... NOT FUN...

Therefore the new, patent pending method has been developed i.e. Mo2 Maneuver that ties tasks of all team members into one sequential surgical and prosthetic road map to follow, reassuring predetermined success of each particular procedure step alone, as well as the outcome of the overall All-On-4® protocol as a whole.

 Mo2 Maneuver prevents for any  possible error induced into the chain of events by a sole independent team member and creates an interdisciplinary mutual blueprint for that particular
All-On-4® session to be followed by the entire restorative team!

Mo2 Maneuver will for the first time reduce burden from performing clinician(s) providing for them explicit tools to follow a predetermined restorative road map and allowing them to show to the patient the mock-up of the final result a just few minutes into the procedure!

The esthetic makeover is so powerful that it will always result in enormous enthusiasm and positive cooperation by the patient throughout the entire procedure! 

There are three (3) main subjects that Mo2 Maneuver method is taking into the consideration. They are: 
>>>>>>TO BE CONTINUED >>>>> meanwhile  go to link above and peruse through restorative photos or take link below ans see the latest All-On-4® patients restored by using  Mo2 Maneuver...


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