Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New All-On-4® patient following Mo2 Maneuver methodology ready...

Good morning to everyone who reads this blog… This time we’ll start with a real  test of Mo2 Maneuver and see what this it is worth for, therefore let us simply  follow on the new patient prepared for the next week All-On-4® procedure.

The clinician (Leif.Löberg DDS) has prescribed “All-On-4® protocol following Mo2 Maneuver” which is very concise way to prescribe for the implant laboratory on what is needed… will capture the outcome seconds after & share with you...

Please remember that surgical & prosthetic methodology  called shortly Mo2 Maneuver and applied within any Immediate Loading protocol for the patients with terminal dentition is indeed designed for a solo practitioner(s) and his/her temporarily conjured restorative team in mind rather that teams within a large chains of restorative centers focused on this modality…  

The clinician(s) who are performing All-On-4® procedure on any particular patient with terminal dentition and by following Mo2 Maneuver will receive three (3) small essential items that will represent the entire key to the road map to follow.

As per current technological situation, the value of DICOM CT-scan data and advances of current computerized guided dentistry is unfortunately not applicable for the typical immediately loaded All-On-4® procedures since the preexistence of terminal dentition, which will be removed first on the time of surgery hence not justifying for any functional computerized guide stent being pre-made.

Therefore there approximately are four (4) main reasons that could cause failure of the entire All-On-4® or any Immediate Loading procedures and they can interject either as a standalone or as a combined interference reasons. They are:
-        Bone remodeling i.e bone height optimization is not sufficient and do not correlate stone planning model anticipation, thus even if the implant position is great, mechanically failed prosthetic is to expect due to the lack of vertical space and compromising with the overall dimension requirements.

-   The implant position and its trajectory is impeding against achieving good esthetics so even if the interim prosthetics were great in the planning phase, the final outcome will be unsatisfactory.

-    The trajectory of the prosthetic Multi-Unit abutment is chosen poorly hence even if the 3D implant placement is adequate the overall esthetic appearance of the interim prosthesis will be compromised.  

-    The prosthetic lab work does not correlate with the newly achieved intra-oral conditions thus even if bone optimization as well as the implants & abutment position are highly satisfactory it will result into uncontrollable chain of faults with a wide-open occlusion, no fundamental functionality nor basic esthetics obtained.

 Contending all these factors in one single visit is delicate not to say complex, especially for a temporarily conjured restorative teams performing particular All-On-4® procedure, thus much higher satisfactory rate of the clinicians belonging to well trimmed teams of the large clinical chains.

Instead of contending all these factors as in case of the teams in a large clinical centers can do, the Mo2 Maneuver is a methodology based on “Checks & Balances” to be followed that is self-contending.

…Avoidance of undetected error introduction into the restorative protocol commensurate with overall  success and well-being of the patient as well as how comfortable the entire restorative team is in conducting "one-visit" immediate loading procedures in the long run… 

P.S. Eventually, I will try to capture the very immediate post-op outcome (seconds after) and sincerely share the result with you! This should provide another dimension for you, almost being on a Hands-On course on your own and HOPE YOU WILL ENJOY IT ! 
Thank you,

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