Friday, October 12, 2012

P.S.The SMILE IS REAL...Upper & Lower All-On-4® patient minutes after the whole day procedure...

Mo2 Maneuver takes simply all delicate All-On-4 scenarios
and does not allow for any procedural misstep to occur; All-On-4 simultaneous Upper & Lower procedure

… In a previous post mentioned earlier, most rehabilitating restorative multidisciplinary procedures such as
All-On-4® , do not have any mutual blueprint based on checks and balances to follow nor to direct team participants back on the correct path if strayed away from it along the procedural stages of
All-On-4® or any other immediate loading protocol.

The restorative team, often very independent, performs separate tasks towards a rather idealistic goal of “creating nice dental smile” but mostly remains within their own boundaries of expertise and their own  “ restorative silos” unaware of the consequential holistic outcome of  each step.   

Generally there is nothing wrong with that approach if partial procedure is performed by highly specialized experts and then left to heal for new assessment of newly occurring situation can be determined before proceeding with the next step… 

On the contrary, it can be devastating in a highly congested, multifaceted protocol such is
All-On-4® where contribution of a surgeon, restorative dentist and a dental technologist i.e. implant lab is combined in a interchanging link of multi tasks where induced errors somewhere along the path of restoring the patient in one single visit can grow exponentially and painstakingly ruin whole day of hard work…

Mo2 Maneuver takes simply all that into consideration and does not allow for any procedural misstep to occur - even if the most delicate All-On-4® scenarios as when trying to puzzle together both upper and lower extraction of terminal dentition, necessary bone remodeling, place implant with correct trajectory, mount MU abutments defining right access hole draw and assemble both interim prosthesis with NO ADDITIONAL OCCLUSAL ADJUSTMENT whatsoever….!

How is that possible ?!?...Find out more from the link below, contact us or follow further posts to come…
Good Luck ! Mo2

 Upper & Lower All-On-Four patient minutes after the whole day procedure ( the SMILE IS REAL ! )

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