Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Next All-On-4®, Mo2 Maneuver patient scheduled for Friday...


Meanwhile few thoughts....

Chronologically throughout the entire history of dentistry the mainstream thinking applied to restorative dentistry is based on a concept of starting to rebuild missing part from bottom and up i.e. from dento-osseous or tissue level and then "hunting" upwards towards the opposing occlusion…

In conventional dentistry working this is undoubtedly the only correct way of working.

When translated  into our situations of restoring patients with immediate loading  that would commensurate to use of “denture-like”  prosthetics that is resting on mucosa as a tissue-borne  devices that are eventually “fitted”  or assembled into a screw- retained prosthetic restoration which particularly in All-On-4® protocol, relies on 4 incorporated titanium cylinders resting on four newly inserted implants.

However in these situations and due to delicacy of multidisciplinary protocols obtaining well occluded prosthetics is mostly omitted.

Actually if performing any same_day  immediate loading implant procedures and in accordance to traditional restorative “tissue-borne” based thinking, obtaining well occluded prosthetics is to be considered more as a lucky accident than a predetermined outcome! 
(Exclusion of well-trimmed high-frequency performing teams, a part of large implant centers).

Mo2 Maneuver methodology turns all these odds ups and down for the success of sole practitioners performing Immediate Loading procedures by conceptually relying on a pre-set parameter, which is a perfect occlusion, and then work its way downwards towards the newly inserted implants.
Therefore there are three (3) items resolving four (4) objectives that Mo2 Maneuver methodology addresses and provides corresponding tools for performing clinician or clinical team, these are:

- Bone Remodeling Reduction Guide

- Surgical & Prosthetics Bone Level Guide

- Mo2 Maneuver flange_less Interim Prosthesis  

See you with on Saturday with the update on the new patient restored in accordance to
Mo2 Maneuver methodology

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